Brewing a cup of dandelion tea is a simple way to enjoy the many benefits this herb has to offer. Given its long history of use in traditional medicine, it's no surprise that dandelion tea is gaining popularity as a health-promoting beverage. Here's everything you need to know about dandelion tea, from its potential health benefits to how to make it at home.

Dandelion tea is made from the leaves, roots, and flowers of the dandelion plant (Taraxacum officinale). This plant has a long history of use in traditional medicine and is now gaining popularity as a health-promoting beverage. Dandelion tea is rich in vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, C, and K, as well as calcium, iron, and potassium. This tea also contains important antioxidants that may help protect against cell damage and disease. What's more, dandelion tea is low in calories and naturally caffeine-free.

Health Benefits of Dandelion Tea

Dandelion tea is rich in nutrients and antioxidants that offer various health benefits.

May Aid Digestion

Dandelions are a good source of fiber, which is important for promoting regularity and preventing constipation. What's more, the bitter compounds in dandelions may help stimulate digestion by increasing the flow of bile and other digestive juices. For these reasons, drinking dandelion tea may help relieve gas, bloating, and other digestive issues.

May Boost Weight Loss Efforts

Because it's low in calories yet high in fiber, dandelion tea may help support weight loss. In fact, one study showed that rats given a high-fiber diet containing dandelions experienced increased weight loss compared to those on a low-fiber diet without dandelions (1). Fiber moves slowly through your digestive system and keeps you feeling full for longer after eating . Therefore, including foods like dandelions that are rich in fiber may help reduce hunger and promote weight loss.

May Help Lower Blood Sugar Levels

Dandelions may help improve blood sugar control by increasing insulin sensitivity and lowering blood sugar levels after meals . In one study in rats with diabetes , those given an extract from the roots and leaves of the dandelion plant had improved blood sugar control after 28 days . Furthermore , another study found that taking a supplement containing 2 grams of soluble fiber from dried dandelion greens daily for 16 weeks lowered fasting blood sugar levels by 13% compared to baseline levels . These results suggest that consuming dandelions or drinking their tea may help improve blood sugar control in people with diabetes . However , more research is needed before strong conclusions can be made .


Dandelion tea is an easy way to enjoy the many benefits this herb has to offer. Dandelion tea is rich in vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, C, and K, as well as calcium, iron, and potassium.

This tea also contains important antioxidants that may help protect against cell damage and disease. What's more, dandelion tea is low in calories and naturally caffeine-free.

Brewing a cup of this healthy beverage is easy—simply add 1–2 teaspoons (2–4 grams) of dried dandelion leaves or 1 teaspoon (2 grams) of dried dandelion root per 8 ounces (237 ml) of boiling water. Steep for 3–5 minutes before enjoying!

Want to know what is the best tea for covid? Check out our guide here!

Want to learn about more benefits of dandelion tea? Read our article here!

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